
Garlic (Allium sativum); Alliaceae

VarietiesOoty -2, Bhima Purple, Kodaikanal local

SoilWell drained friable soil rich in organic matter with a pH range of 6 – 7 is ideal. Extreme acidic soils as well as heavy soils are not suited

Climate – Garlic can be grown at an elevation of 1200 – 2600 m from the Mean Sea Level (MSL). It requires short days, cool (12–18 °C) moist period during vegetative growth and bulb formation phase


Irrigated: March-April and Oct – Nov

Rainfed: June – July 

Seed rate – Garlic cloves – 1500 – 1600 kg/ha

Seed treatment – Garlic cloves are to be treated with  Pseudomonas and Trichoderma @2 kg/ha

SpacingCloves are planted at 15 x 10 cm spacing

Application of Manures

Growing Lupin as green manure to get the biomass of 6-7 tonnes /ha and ploughing in situ on 45-50 DAS.

Basal application of 25 t of FYM and 2 kg each of Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria and top dressing of vermicompost @ 2 t/ha in 2 equal splits at 15 days interval (15 days after planting and 30 days after planting).

Foliar Nutrition – Spray 3% Panchagavya  twice at 30 and 45 days after planting

WeedingWeeding should be done on 30th and 60th days after planting

Plant Protection

Thrips – Thrips can be controlled by spraying of NSKE@5.0 ml/Lit or 1% soap solution or fish oil rosin soap @25 g/lit.


  • Soil application of neem cake @ 1 ton/ha at the time of sowing.
  • Biofumigation of mustard plants followed by application of neemcake @ 250kg/ha along with Purpureocillium lilacinum @ 5kg/ha
  • Application of P. lilacinum as seed treatment @ 20g/kg of seed followed by soil application @ 2.5kg/ha along with FYM @ 2.5 t/ha.


Purple blotch – Spray Pseudomonas fluorescens@ 0.5% three times at 15 days interval to control

Clove rot

  • Bulb treatment with P. fluorescens @ 20 g/kg of bulbs 
  • Soil application @ 2.5 kg P. fluorescens/ha at the time of planting and 45 days after planting.
  • Provide adequate drainage facilities 
  • Select healthy and disease – free seed bulbs 
  • In the field, drench the beds with 1% Bordeaux mixture 

Harvest – Turning of tops to yellowish or brownish colour and commencement of drying is the ideal harvest index for harvesting garlic.

Yield16-17 t/ha

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